The David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) has awarded nearly 30 certificates in Latin American Studies this year. Undergraduates from multiple academic departments and doctoral students from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences received the certificate. To be eligible, students must complete an approved course of study as a part of their work toward the A.B. degree or Ph.D. degree. Students must also write a senior thesis or dissertation on a Latin American topic.
The 2008 DRCLAS certificate winners, including their field of study and thesis/dissertation title, are as follows:
Stephen Amrock, sociology, “Globalizing Actionable Rights: The Role of Policy Elites in Health Care Reform in Chile and Bolivia, 1982-2007”
Rosa Evangelina Beltrán, history and literature, “‘Ordem e Progresso:’ The Dead-Beat Malandro and National Identity in João Antônio’s ‘Malagueta, Perus, e Bacanaço’”
Eleonor H. Broh, government, “Domestic Implementation of International Human Rights Norms: Therapeutic Abortion in Nicaragua and Colombia”
Olivia Tileston Brown, history, “In Sickness and in Health: The U.S. Influence on the Development of Sanitation and Public Health in Cuba between the Spanish-American War and the Cuban Revolution, 1898-1959”
Joseph Forrest Busa, social studies, “Jungle Politics: Shayari in the Quotidian”
Nina Maria Catalano, government, “The Pantomime: United States Military Aid to Colombia and the State Department Human Rights Certification”
Denise Linda Delaney, anthropology, “Marginality and Violence: The Experience of Being a Desplazado in the Colombian Capital”
Areli Fernández Valdés, Romance languages and literatures, “Entre Continuidad y Ruptura: Figuraciones de la Mujer Maya y su Cultura en la Poesía de Briceida Cuevas Cob”
Elizabeth Cronin Goodwin, history and literature, “Finding a Voice in the Shadows: Silvina Ocampo’s Literary Persona”
Jamie Elizabeth Greenman, anthropology, “Feministas and Chiquitas: Reproductive and Sexual Rights Activism Among Chilean Women”
Erika Helgen, Romance languages and literatures, “A Polish Pope in Puebla: Liberation Theology, Ecclesiology, and the Third General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate”
Ariel Huerta, government, “The Struggle to Enforce Mano Dura Anti-Gang Legislation in El Salvador: State Weakness and Democratic Strength”
Miles Alexander Johnson, social studies, “Color into Race, Romance into Realism: Affirmative Action and Racial Identity in Brazil”
Ernesto Martínez, anthropology, “Border Chinese: Making Space and Forging Identity in Mexicali, Mexico”
Kenneth Walter McKinley, anthropology, “Who Decides? The Intersubjectivity of Live Organ Transplant in Argentina and the United States”
Danielle Olga Garner Mirabal, anthropology, “Interpretation of Faunal Remains from the Contact Site of Magdalena de Cao Viejo: North Coast of Peru”
David Robinson Porter, history, “Making Trade Fair: The Negotiation and Implementation of NAFTA Chapter Twenty”
Mónica María Renta, Romance languages and literatures, “La Fama es una Estupidez: La Construcción y el Desarrollo del Fenómeno Roberto Bolaño”
Gabriel Rocha, literature, “This Inscrutable People: Hesitancy, Anthology, and Repetition in Elizabeth Bishop”
Gregory Scruggs, literature, “Reading Space and Place between Morro and Asfalto: An Itinerary through the Contemporary Zona Sul of Rio de Janeiro”
Miriam Shakow, anthropology, “States of Discontent: Patronage, Liberalism, and Indigenist Democracy in Central Bolivia”
Noelle Stout, anthropology, “On the Malecón: Revolutionary Desires in Late-Socialist Cuba”
Aidan Tait, Romance languages and literatures, “A Pesar de Todos, Nosotros Hicimos el Mundial: The Military, the Argentine Media, and the Enduring Legacy of the 1978 World Cup”
Nícola Ulibarrí, anthropology, “Sense of Place in a Changing World: Identity, Ritual, and Development in Ocongate, Peru”
Patrícia Vieira, Romance languages and literatures, “Seeing Politics Otherwise: Representations of Vision in Iberian and Latin American Political Fiction”
Beatrice Viramontes, anthropology, “Journeys to Aztlán: The (Re)creation of Pre-Columbian Forms in the Contemporary Chicano Murals of Los Angeles”
Nina Vizcarrondo, anthropology, “Cooperativism In Guatemala: Contradictions, Chimeras, and Conflict”